Safety First
Grand River Construction is committed to creating safe and smart working environments for all. Deeply ingrained in our values is the prioritization of the safety of our teams, subcontractors, and the public. While safety has improved significantly over the past few decades, we continuously seek opportunities for further improvement, adoption, and implementation.
Embracing a culture of continuous improvement enables us to welcome advancements in safety technology and implement them in the field, enhancing the safety of our workers and reducing the risk of injuries.
Promoting a safe working environment involves more than just implementing safety plans and best practices. At Grand River Construction, we believe in fostering an atmosphere where our teams feel empowered to ask questions and voice any concerns they may have. We prioritize an educational environment that encourages open discussions, rather than enforcing a culture of punishment for minor mistakes. This approach ensures that safety remains at the forefront of everyone’s mind.
"Safety isn't something you postpone for the ideal and comfortable future; it's the first condition necessary for the messy and unpredictable present."
-Marcus Aurelius